How to Submit Images to the Comet Observation Home Page
What to Submit
This home page is happy to post images provided in electronic form of any
comet past and present provided the following conditions are met:
- The person submitting the image is the one who took it. Do not send images
taken by other people.
- The image is provided in either .gif or .jpg format.
- You provide the complete details concerning the image (telescope used, CCD used, time of
exposure, length of exposure, etc.). This description should be provided in a separate file,
if possible. Write it up as you wish it to appear. The more I have to edit, the
less stuff that will be posted.
- Please include your e-mail address in your description. This will
make it easier for someone interested to use your image, to let you know about
it and ask permission.
- Submit only one .gif or .jpg file per comet per night. This .gif or .jpg file can actually
include several images of the comet on one image frame - there are several examples
of this on the image page. There are exceptions (of course):
if the second image is processed differently (e.g., is in false color) or if
something interesting is happening. For faint comets (that might not show much
detail), it is acceptable to submit two images on the same night to illustrate
- The image is worth posting - you can see the comet!
- Make it clear that the Comet Observation Home Page has your permission to
post the image!
If you are in doubt, ask...
How to Submit Images
Images can be submitted either by e-mail or regular mail. E-mail is by far the
recommended choice.
Images can be e-mailed by using uuencode (standard on UNIX systems,
I believe) or by MIME software. For PCs, Gordon Garradd provides the
following instructions for downloading uuencode/decode software for a PC:
- ftp
- login anonymous
- password (your email address)
- cd simtel/msdos/decode
- binary (to get a binary rather than text file)
- get ( about 40K in size)
- enter (keeps the file name)
- quit
Then use PKUNZIP to extract the decoding and encoding .exe files
If you must send the images on floppy disk by regular mail, please e-mail me and I will provide
a complete address.